adjective | scrum•chippy•umptious
definition: mouth-watering,
delightful & delectable chips
Our Story starts from across the pond. Owners Helen and Tim have lived in the States for quite some time now, but once called a village named Dedham home. Over the years many things have changed except their craving for authentic fresh fish and chips. With the opening of Scrumptious Fish & Chips, the Korinth's have set out to introduce the original European fish & chip to the California food scene.
At Scrumptious, we dive into the heart of European culinary tradition while embracing the soul of California food culture. Think of our fish & chips as a deliciously mindful fusion between European gastronomy and the West Coast’s renowned farm-to-table fare. Authenticity matters to us. So does the journey in which your ingredients travel in order to land on your plate!

Fresh & Local first - whenever possible
Serving only environmentally responsible seafood meeting Monterey Bay’s Seafood Watch criteria
Authentic scratch-made fare honoring old world European traditions
Hand-cut chips twice fried to perfection